Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Lake Erie smallmouth bass fishing

Smallmouth bass are, pound for pound, one of the strongest fighting fish in fresh water. Lake Erie smallmouth are so fat and feisty they are known as "footballs." 3 to 4 pound smallmouth bass are common. Trophy smallmouth bass of 5 to 7 pounds delight even the most experienced bass angler.

They're big, powerful fish and will do everything they can to show how badly they resent gettingbin the boat with you,vjust ask Chad Taylor, Kevin Hamer, Mike Rohr, Ryan, Steve, & Mike from Central Indiana. I had the opportunity to fish with these seasoned Smallmouth Bass fisherman this past weekend for Lake Erie smallmouth bass.

We fished in the Canadian waters of Lake Erie near Pelee Island, where the fishing pressure is absolute minimal. We targeted several offshore reefs near Pelee and we were the only boat in this remote part of Lake Erie for miles.
How was the fishing? We caught some of the largest Bronzebacks these fisherman had seen in their lives. In two days we boated over 100+ large smallmouth bass. Two of the fisherman set new "personal best's" for the largest smallmouth bass they had ever caught personnally.
Most of the smallmouth bass were chunky 3 to 5 pound Lake Erie smallmouth. With several Smallies 5+ pounds and one giant was 5.5 pounds.

Ryan shows off a feisty Lake Erie Smallmouth Bass caught with Erie Quest. Nice Bronzeback!A large Lake Erie Smallmouth Bass..21 inches, 5 pounds & 5 ounces.
We had started the day fishing with Carolina Rigs & Drop Shot Rigs, tipped with a softcraw. But after some experimentation by the crew, we found that using a "Drop Shot" technique...worked best. Stand out hooks worked well.
The techniques used to fish the drop-shot are simple. Cast it near fish-holding structures such as humps and rock piles and slowly drag it back. When the wind is blowing -- as it often is on this huge body of water -- many anglers will simply allow the wind to drift them across the area. Keep a taut line and, if you're in the right area, it's only a matter of time before the bites come. We were anchored on this day in 2-3 foot waves and casting out from the boat.

Chad Taylor displays a trophy Lake Erie smallmouth bass near Pelee Island! Thats a beauty.

I was watching one of our crew cast out from the boat and his fishing pole tip...tap, tap, bang! Ryan lifted the rod tip skyward, the rod blank loaded into a satisfying arc. A huge 5.5 pound Smallmouth Bass rocketed out of the water, twisting and spiraling, trying to throw the hook. After several minutes and multiple skyward leaps we pulled the beast from the water.
One for the ages...happy Indiana fisherman,
Mike Rohr displays a trophy Lake Erie smallmouth bass caught with Erie Quest Charters

Drop-shotting on Erie is primarily done with spinning tackle. When using such light line, a smooth, reliable drag isn't a commodity -- it's a necessity. Drag should be set fairly light. Generally, the big bronzebacks you tie into on Erie will be coming from open-water haunts. There won't be many weeds, logs or other obstructions. Allowing the fish to simply tire itself by fighting the length of the limber rod and the reliable operation of the drag system on your reel will prevent you from breaking fish off.

Welcome to Lake Erie -- land of giant smallmouth bass and the new home of the drop-shot.

Tim displays a Erie "football" caught with Erie Quest Charters, near Pelee Island, Ontario, Canada

Lake Erie is a special place indeed. It is one of the best smallmouth bass locations in North America and the autumn months can produce some of the year's best action. We ended the day on Sunday with a quadruple....4 smallmouth bass on at the same thats what I am talking about, what a way to end the fishing day on the Erie Quest.

Capt. Rick
Erie Quest Charters

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